Workshop: Updating Your CV to Contextualize Your Contributions in Societally Engaged Work (12/12/23)
Posted: 12/7/2023 ()
This workshop hosted by Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center will take place on Tues. Dec 12th from 10:00-11:30AM on Zoom (register here). Are you a researcher engaging with non-academic partners to develop science that meets real-world needs? If so, you may have noticed that the traditional format of scientific CVs, focused on comprehensive lists of publications and presentations, makes it challenging to convey the distinct skills, activities and products associated with your societally engaged research. So how do you develop a CV that accounts for these real-world contributions, yet still aligns with the traditional CV format expected in academia? Join our interactive workshop to find out! This work session is designed to support you in incorporating narrative elements into your CV that help contextualize your skills and experiences and better communicate your work.
We’ll draw from lessons learned in our previous webinar, Reworking Scientific CVs to Better Capture Societally Engaged Research and Move Towards Fairer Research Assessment. After setting the stage for why you might consider adding narrative elements into your CV, we’ll break into small groups and walk through prompts for how to incorporate narrative elements that highlight meaningful, contextual information about your contributions in societally engaged research. We’ll have a mix of quiet work time as well as time for discussion and questions.